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Examination System

Evaluations play significant role in assessing the outcome of Teaching & Learning system in the educational institution. It is not merely a marking system, rather it encompass assessment of efforts made by faculty in dissemination of knowledge & skills and also the extent of assimilation by students. Individual strengths and weaknesses can also be assessed through exams. The teachers will be able to understand where more attention in class may be needed when teaching the particular subject. This will give students and teachers the opportunity to understand where their weaknesses may be, in time for the preparation of the formal exam. This will ensure that students better their performance and achieve incremental growth.

Assessment of performance is an integral part of process of learning and teaching. As part of sound educational strategy, examinations are employed to bring about qualitative improvement in education.

The objective is to recast the examination system to ensure a method of assessment that is a valid and reliable measure of student development and a powerful instrument for Improving teaching and learning;

KPGU, Vadodara has implemented Continuous Comprehensive Performance Evaluation (CCPE)

that encompass

  • Formative Assessment
  • Summative Assessment

Formative evaluation

The purpose of formative evaluation is to find out whether after a learning experience, students can do what they were previously unable to do. Its goal is usually to help students perform well at the end of a programme. 

Formative Assessment comprises of Class Tests, Homework, Quizzes, Projects, and Assignmentsdirected throughout the year.

Formative evaluation enables the teacher to: 

  1. Draw more reliable inference about his students than an external assessor, although he may not be as objective as the latter.
  2. Identify the levels of cognitive process of his students.
  3. Choose the    most    suitable    teaching    techniques    and materials. 
  4. Determine the   feasibility   of   a   programme   within   the classroom setting. 
  5. Determine areas needing modifications or improvement in the teaching-learning process;
  6. Determine to a great extent the outcome of summative evaluation

Thus, Formative evaluation attempts to: 

  1. Identify the content (i.e. knowledge or skill) which has not been mastered by the students.
  2. Appraise the level of cognitive abilities such as memorization, classification, comparison, analysis, explanation, quantification, application and so on
  3. Specify the relationships between content and levels of cognitive    In   other   words, formative   evaluation provides the evaluator with useful information about the strength or weakness of the student within an instructional context.

Based on Formative Evaluation, teachers are able to identify, educationally disadvantaged, educationally weak and educationally advanced students so as to provide Bridge, Remedial and Enrichment Programs respectively.

Summative Evaluation –

Summative evaluation is an attempt to determine assess, whether the broad objectives of a programme have been achieved or not. The goal of summative evaluation is to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit.

Examples of summative evaluations include:

  • Midterm exam,
  • Pre-Finals
  • University exam (Semester/ Yearly)

The marks/ grades obtained during formative evaluation are added to summative evaluation.


The Examination Section functions under the authority of Board of Examinations (BoE)

Controller of Examination is the responsible Examination Section and functions on the advice of the BoE.

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