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Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance

Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance (PQA) deals with the study analysis of the raw materials and pharmaceutical formulations which is vital for the evaluation of quality, safety, and efficacy of pharmaceutical preparations. The course covers several aspects of regulations that are part of Pharmaceutical industry viz. ICH, CFR, ISO. PIC/S and others. The students of M.Pharm are involved in the research projects such as analytical and bioanalytical method development and validation, impurity profiling, forced degradation studies, stability studies, etc. carried out at the department and at different industries also.

Department has sophisticated facilities of chromatography and spectroscopy for the characterization of drugs and excipients. The department has a research laboratory for postgraduate students and a central instrumentation room dedicated to UG, PG, and Ph.D. students. The department has received several grants for research projects from national funding agencies. The research projects grants received from AICTE, GUJCOST, SSIP, SOIC, etc.  

Faculty members and students have published high-quality research and review papers in prestigious national and international journals. Papers are published in the areas of interdisciplinary pharmaceutical sciences, especially focusing on advanced pharmaceutical research in analytical technology. Papers are published by the publishers like Wiley Online, Elsevier Publisher, Tylor and Francis, PLOS ONE, Springer, Bentham Science, BioMed Central, etc. Faculty members have also applied for patents to the Indian Patent Office. 

The Department of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance (PQA) offers postgraduate course (15 seats) and Doctoral level program.

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